What Our Healthcare Architecture Firm is About

Best Of Los Angeles • December 17, 2019 • No Comments

RBB Architects Inc. is a healthcare architecture firm that aims to help communities in achieving health and wellness. We understand the need for our society to have better health. For us to achieve that, we require facilities that can support that goal. 

healthcare architecture firm

Our healthcare architecture firm is made of medical planners, designers and strategic consultants. We aim to assist healthcare facilities and institutions in navigating their complex requirements and to give them sustainable care environments. 

We can design spaces that focused on patients. But these spaces are affordable and with the purpose of improving the patients’ health and enhancing their experiences. 

What are Our Services 

We offer several services including master planning, programming, space planning architectural design and feasibility studies, among others. 

Our latest numerous projects include a hybrid facility supporting, not just health care and athletics, but also teaching and research in a shared footprint. 

In a hybrid healthcare facility model, it combines scientific research and professional athletic programs to boost community engagement. It also improves a student’s well-being. 

It integrates sports training facilities with applied research and medical clinics. It also incorporates fitness gyms and running tracks into public spaces. In designing a healthcare facility, we typically integrate fitness and recreation and use them as a catalyst for change and wellness. 

The Outpatient Tower at Harbor UCLA Medical Center 

In Torrance, California, our healthcare architecture firm was hired to plan and replace outdated components of the Harbor UCLA teaching hospital. It is a 77-acre campus and most of its buildings are antiquated. 

The main goal of this re-design is to provide a modern facility for the underserved community. It also aims to connect the existing surgery center to a foot replacement hospital.

Why Choose Our Firm 

RBB has been around for more than 65 years. We are at the forefront of innovation when it comes to planning, design, and programming healthcare facilities. Having a great design can affect not just the lives of the patients but also the healthcare providers. 

The new medical care facilities are now moving away from having monotonous spaces. Healthcare providers know that the spaces in a hospital or a wellness facility can affect the mood and self-image of the paint. In fact, how a hospital room is designed can help the patient in recovering either quickly or slowly. 

Before, the design focused on supporting healthcare providers, rather than the patients. But in several studies, researchers found that a healthcare facility designed for people can help in boosting the well-being of the patients and improving the efficiency of the healthcare providers. 

That’s why at RBB, we emphasize on natural light, the calmness of the room nature scenes and other factors that can contribute to providing the patient a positive experience while recuperating. Our design aims to bring nature close to the patients’ experience by providing indoor and outdoor gardens. 

We believe that our healthcare architecture firm can make a difference when it comes to helping the patients in achieving health and wellness while assisting healthcare providers in becoming more efficient at work. To know more about our services, please contact us at  (310) 473-3555 or (888) 473-6923

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