Caring for Your Vintage Jewelry

Best Of Los Angeles • March 28, 2017 • No Comments

Caring for Your Vintage Jewelry

Caring for your vintage jewelry will be worth it in the long run. When you have a special piece of vintage jewelry or antique jewelry, you may only wear it on special occasions so that it remains something unique for you. Finding just the right piece that can go with your special outfit for just the right occasion can be a big thrill for you, and you may scour estate sales, antique markets or a jewelry store like the Chanel Vintage Store in the hopes of finding something that really strikes your eye. When you make the investment in a vintage item, you want to make sure you do all you can to preserve and take care of it, so it lasts a long time for you. There are some things you can do on your own to care for your vintage pieces of Chanel jewelry or other designs, such as:

  • Care When Storing – Since your vintage pieces are likely items that you are not wearing every day, they are going to spend a lot of time in storage. You want to make sure that you store them properly so that they do not get scratched during storage. Keep them so that there is adequate room between the pieces you own so that they are not rubbing up against each other. The rubbing can cause scratches or even cause a stone to come loose. Jewelry that is truly prized might be better off in its own soft cloth or pouch for safe keeping.
  • Avoid Moisture – There is nothing worse to vintage jewelry than moisture. Any moisture has the potential of causing serious damage to your items, particularly with rust and the pitting of the metal. Even wearing certain pieces in places where there is more moisture in the air, like to the beach, the pool, a sauna or even in rainy weather, can cause problems for you. Damage can occur to the stones, or the metal and stones can easily loosen when moisture sets in.
  • Cleaning – It is only natural that you maywant to clean your pieces, but you do want to take care whendoing Avoid using cleaners that contain ammonia, alcohol or acids that can damage jewelry. Make sure you read labels carefully so that you can make sure any commercial jewelry cleaner you use is okay for your particular item. You can carefully clean an item just by spraying some window cleaner on a soft cloth and cleaning the piece with it. Make sure all jewelry is completely dry before you put it away and you can get a polishing cloth to give the jewelry a nice shine when it is dry before storing it.

Caring for Your Vintage Jewelry (3)

Care to Make it Last

When you take the time to give your jewelry the proper care that it needs, you can ensure that your necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings and other items can all last for a very long time and look their best whenever you wear them. It will bring a smile to your face each time you take the jewelry you love out to wear on your special occasions when you know it is at its best.

Caring for Your Vintage Jewelry

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