Why do We Study Your Genetics in Alcohol Rehab Programs?

Best Of Los Angeles • May 15, 2018 • No Comments

Understanding your addiction to alcohol is an important step towards recovery in alcohol rehab programs. Although alcoholism is a complex and controversial disorder. It shows clear patterns of inheritance, which means that having certain genes can make you more vulnerable to alcohol addiction. Research shows that having a family member who suffers from an alcohol addiction can increase your chances of alcoholism by as much as eight times. However, alcoholism does not have a single cause, so genes are not the only cause of the disease. Nonetheless, they can play an important role by affecting the brain and body in a way that they interact with an individual’s life experiences to increase vulnerability.

Why is it Important to Know Your Genetic in Alcohol Rehab Programs?

Knowing your genetic history in alcohol rehab programs can allow you make informed choices about your health and behavior, especially if you are vulnerable to alcoholism. Although people vary in how they respond to alcohol, the first time you consume alcohol, the decision is under cognitive control. Although you can be influenced by social pressures, you make the decision to consume your first drink.

However, the individual with a family history of alcoholism can progress to compulsive use. At this point, consumption ceases to be voluntary, and control over alcohol consumption is greatly diminished. So, even if the individual knows the ill effects of alcohol abuse and may genuinely wish to quit. They’re not simply able to halt their alcohol consumption.  

in Alcohol Rehab Programs

Being able to identify the specific genes that increase a person’s risk of alcoholism. Can play a great role in reducing the consumption of alcohol in vulnerable individuals. Thus decreasing their chances of developing the disease. However, of the estimated 1,500 genes that influence addictive behaviors, only 12 have been identified in playing a role in alcoholism. Keeping in mind that multiple genes are likely to be involved in a person’s alcohol addiction. Predicting an individual’s risk for the disease is impossibly hard to make.

What Can I Do if Alcoholism Runs in My Family?

Being aware of your family’s history as it relates to alcoholism is an important first step towards taking preventative measures to decrease your chances of developing an addiction to alcohol. Having a familial history of alcoholism, however, does not sentence you to the disease. Remember, the choices you make initially are under your cognitive control.

However, if you feel that your control is slipping, seek help from alcohol rehab programs to help you make sure that your problems do not progress further. At Summit Estate, their compassionate staff with data-informed training are ready to help you overcome your problems with alcohol. To make a consultation call at (866) 569-9391.

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