Does Keyword Density Still Matter In SEO?

danny • October 11, 2017 • No Comments

Before, keyword inclusion in meta tags and content were vital to ensure that your site ranks higher for a particular keyword. Hence, the inception of keyword density. But the Panda update came. Now, everyone’s start to question whether keyword density is still vital. There’s no definite answer to it. And SEO has grown more complicated with the arrival of Hummingbird update. New studies showed that keywords are not as vital as they used to be.

Authority and relevance

In modern SEO, relevance and authority are essential. They’re important indicators of rank. Relevance is described as how your site can address the searcher’s needs. Authority, on the other hand, is defined as how trustworthy your site is. That said, keyword density may have little impact on authority. Instead, the quality of your content is more important, and it has some bearing on your site’s authority.

As for relevance, keyword density can help. Its goal here is to prove to the search engines that your page is relevant for a certain keyword.

But it had changed when Hummingbird Update came. This update is about relevance. And it doesn’t focus on exact-match keywords. Rather, Google tries to understand the intention of the query. From there, it finds the pages that match the user’s intent. It finds pages on your site that demonstrate qualities that a search query would have.

keyword density SEO

Does exact keyword inclusion matter?

With the latest research, it suggests that inserting the exact keyword may no longer matter today than it was before. But researchers found that high-volume keywords are vital, and they must be added to titles, descriptions, and content.

However, some top-ranked pages don’t feature search keywords in the body. It indicates that it’s still possible to rank for a certain keyword without inserting it anywhere on your page.

Does it mean keywords no longer matter?

They still matter. Even though some top-ranked pages don’t have any keywords in the body, the majority of the pages still do. It’s also important to note that keyword placement is vital. You must add it to the body of a page where Google’s bots can crawl. Relevance is still vital so you can rank for a particular keyword. However, exact-match is no longer as important as it was before. That said, it’s important that you search for the right keyword queries and create content that addresses those quires.

If you want to know more about keyword density and SEO, please contact our SEO experts at SEO Expert Danny: (213) 457-3250

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